Center for Leadership & Innovation (CLI)

This organization for professional development services needed to grow public awareness and motivate educators to sign up for CLI’s courses, consultations, and guest speaking events.

Medina, Washington



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Marketing consultant

When St. Thomas School (STS) founded the CLI, they wanted to establish it as a go-to resource for educators and corporations for professional development services. As a new organization, they needed my help establishing an official marketing plan to grow brand awareness.


Attended on-site tours and professional development seminars to understand the CLI’s goals and the effect they had on STS educators

Developed a digital marketing strategy with action items for growing brand awareness

Identified areas for improvement, including how to gain authority among educators


- Digital Marketing Strategy -

I worked on-site with CLI to understand their motivations, successes, and educational theories. This foundation built a marketing strategy that realized the center’s potential as a thought leader in education and innovation through technology. This strategy:

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  • Identified and personified CLI’s various target audiences ranging from educators to corporate conferences

  • Specified CLI’s goal funnels to optimize conversions among website visitors and drive overall strategy implementation

  • Designed a site map to organize web pages based on user intent and their place in CLI’s goal funnels

  • Outlined website’s permanent and fluid content to ensure everything created worked toward a common goal

  • Determined action items, deliverables, and timeline for strategy implementation

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Content Developer

Communication is essential to any small business’s success, but it will make or break an educational organization. The CLI had passionate staff members, but they also had to wear many hats to keep their organization running. As a result, they didn’t have the time needed to develop content and other materials that met their standards of good communication. I worked closely with CLI’s staff to capture their informed and passionate expertise for the online world.


Crafted web copy for the main pages of the CLI’s website

Ghost wrote blog articles about in-depth professional development topics

Wrote professional development course descriptions to entice educators to sign up

Composed job descriptions to attract the most qualified applicants


- Web pages -

While the CLI had an in-house web developer, they needed help composing content that:

  • Reflected their brand

  • Clearly communicated their goals

  • Encouraged educators to get involved in the organization.

I composed the web copy for all of their website’s landing pages to accomplish each of these tasks. We also made suggestions for general page layout and calls-to-action.


- Blog ARticles -

The CLI’s main goal was to become an established leader in the educational technology and professional development community. I created a dynamic content strategy centered around blog articles that would grow brand awareness, incite their audience’s interest in the CLI, and encourage a loyal following of educators in the online community.

  • Met regularly with CLI leadership to brainstorm and discuss topics.

  • Chose topics that would provide professional insight while also connecting with the intended audience.

  • Held in-depth interviews with authors to provide accurate ghost writing services.

  • Composed long-form articles in the voice of each unique author.

  • Rewrote, optimized, and re-published articles written before my involvement to maintain consistency across the CLI’s brand and improve interlinking strategies.


- Course descriptions -

The CLI’s main purpose was to provide professional development courses focused on leadership, innovation, and technology. I wrote course descriptions to increase the number of participants found online.

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Social Media Manager

As a professional development organization, the CLI wanted to find new ways to reach educators across the globe with their message of leadership and innovation. I created a social media strategy that amplified their message online.


Developed targeted strategies that played to the specific strengths of each social media platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, etc.)

Created organic and paid campaigns to boost the CLI’s content on social media, resulting in a 600% increase in link clicks and post engagement

Assisted CLI leadership in sharing the CLI’s posts to their personal social media accounts, increasing exposure by 42% on average


- Facebook -

  • Boosted posts that linked to original CLI content on their website. These ad campaigns were directly responsible for tripling CLI’s Facebook following in 4 months.

  • Curated content from around the web that provided valuable insight into professional development, leadership, and educational technology.

  • Monitored Facebook Insights and provided monthly reports. These reports allowed the client to track progress and allowed us to find and communicate future opportunities based on each month’s successes.


- LinkedIn -

  • Chose broad-audience articles to publish on LinkedIn’s content management system, which expanded the reach of CLI’s message and improved backlinks to the CLI website

  • Published posts about professional development to the CLI’s LinkedIn feed

  • Followed hashtags about professional development and educational technology to participate in larger online discussions, grow CLI brand awareness, and help the CLI become an industry leader


- Twitter -

  • Wrote introductions to CLI articles for Director Kimberly Mecham’s professional Twitter account

Lead Marketer: The RLPD Campaign

When the CLI went remote during the COVID-19 pandemic, they needed a way to continue providing professional development courses without endangering staff or participants. I developed a marketing campaign for remote learning professional development (RLPD) that would allow them to reach more educators than ever before and address a dire need for virtual classroom training in the teaching community.


Outlined a drip campaign to find and follow up with teachers interested in the CLI’s RLPD courses.

Modeled how RLPD courses would be structured off of existing remote learning classes for students, including types of technology used, independent learning strategies, virtual group discussions, and online surveys.

Established action items and deadlines to ensure RLPD courses could be available as quickly as possible without sacrificing quality.

Organically incorporated RLPD discussions into regularly published blog articles on the CLI’s website